Monday, December 14, 2009

Random #2

A sudden surge of lonliness overwhelms me when I knew that I gotta lunch alone. Again. It reminds me of the scenario on last wednesday(9 Dec 09) when I saw the Evo Lab people lunching together. And that was when Denise commented on me being lonesome in her usual joking manner. I admit I felt lonesome then.

Well, as usual I always feel this way every few months when the abrupt sense of emptiness just fills my heart. It is really awful. One minute I feel nice talking to fellow labbies in PSL and the next moment, I felt sad that the bonding between fellow labbies in TEL is just not as strong as in PSL. Really, the working environment means a hell lot to me. That is why I like working in CSCC admin team. Although sometimes work can be really mundane but it is the people that make your working experience felt much better. Seriously.

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