last 2 days hv been v sick...tues got soar throat n running nose...damn tired loh...but now much better le...
den wed got blocked nose n a bit these few days hv been doing mainly paper work printing tons of labels...mounting of strips...doing the protein finder until i cock eye...hehe...
but i prefer to do mounting of strips cos its more challenging...n it really test my patience esp when u want to paste strips of membrane...u cant be impatient or else u will juz ruin all the strips u r laying properly...
anywayz...thnk god finally i m well glad tt i m ok...except a bit runny losses for this flu is tt i got my nose po pi...n its damn red n the skin is all peeling...
the last 2 days my lab a bit xian la...cos almost everyday got 2 pple absent...v quiet like tt...
discovered tt my company got a lot ex-ngee ann students in my QC lab itself got roslind (the second batch student)..nithya (same batch as eugene fact doing the same prj as him) the western blot lab got nathdaniel & daphne (some years older than me) n oso jude (first batch student wor )...
joyce in R&A dept...(its not the CE joyce but its the AGL joyce lee yr older than us de...its pearlyn's fren) damn qiao lorz she juz got the job thru agent at first day of work then i saw her at the bus stop...
yea then i oso got to noe tt the last attachment student in my QC the name of walter act one classmate of pearlyn n per sometimes will tell me some story bout him during her aqua class de...but i only noe tt his chinese name is foo shui...but not his eng name (walter)...
heard frm my colleagues tt he is quite a funny guy cos his name already v funny shui stands for prosper n water n his eng name is walter...which sounds like water la...
so this world is really v small...cant imagine tt the last IA student is my fren's fren...haha
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