Saturday, July 09, 2005

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

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yep. went to watch war of the world wif my family. cos basically its my mum who wanted to watch de. she juz loves to watch movies tt hv either those big gigantic creatures running around terrorizing humans or movies of nature disasters. Obviously, my taste n her taste are entirely diff most of the time.

watched the 7.25pm show. luckily tues i went n book the tiks first at lido or else we really juz gotta pay the extra charges for booking tiks online. cos its almost full house lor.

well, the movie is al~right~ la. well a quite typical steven spielberg's movie. very sci-fi kinda thing. ya i must admit tt dakota fannings is really very annoying wif her very high pitch scream. otherwise, the movie is of an average standard ba. nothing too fantastic or funny bout.

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